Now's the time to put all those goodies from the garden into your dehydrator! I love the Excaliber.
Here's some recipes!
Persimmon-Pineapple Leather:
1 C persimmon pulp
1/2 C crushed pineapple
Puree in blender. Spread onto Paraflexx sheets or plastic wrap and dehydrate at 135 degrees F until leathery.
Spaghetti Sauce Mix:
1 T dried Onions
3 Tsp cornstarch
1 1/2 tsp dried garlic powder
1/2 tsp dried oregano
1 C tomato powder
1 T dried parsley
1 T dried green peppers
1 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp dried basil
1/4 C dried, sliced mushrooms
Mix all the ingredients and store in a tightly sealed glass container. To prepare sauce, add 3 C water to mix and simmer until thick. Serves 4.
Summer Salad Topping:
3/4 C dried onion flakes
1/4 C dried red peppers
1/4 C dried parsley
1/2 C dried tomato flakes
1/2 C dried crumbled carrots
1/4 C dried green peppers
1/4 C sunflower seeds
1/2 C grated parmesan cheese
Coarsely chop all ingredients into blender. Be sure that all ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Refrigerate mixture in glass jar with tight lid. To serve, sprinkle mixture over salads.